14 weeks

Monday, January 17, 2011
14 weeks and I am officially OUT of the first trimester!!! Woohoo!!

I am really hoping that my body makes a huge change now that I'm in the second trimester. My major battle that I keep having is with my taste buds! That past few days my stomach is pretty bleh in the mornings and afternoons. Its not a queasy or nauseus feeling...its just bleh. Its like my stomach can't handle anything with a strong taste to it. So during the day I eat things like oatmeal, crackers...that kind of thing. Then, once dinnertime comes I can handle a big, yummy meal...although I can still get really picky about it...and really, it just drives me nuts. I really just want to be able to chow down on something without having to THINK about it first.

Josh usually goes grocery shopping with the list I give him, but since Anistyn was at a friend's house for couple hours, he wanted me to go with him. In words he said "I want you to go too...and just get whatever it is that that preggo belly will eat." He's such a sweetheart and has been such a trooper while I've been going through my first trimester.

I'm going to have to get a new memory card for my camera and as soon as I do I will post some belly pics!


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