27 Weeks!

Monday, April 18, 2011
One more week left in the second trimester...then into the third trimester I go!

I had my doctir's appointment last Thursday. Britton's heartbeat was great, although she seems to be measuring small from the way the doctor was measuring my uterus. She did say that she thought I had a long torso and since she was only measuring with the tape, it wasn't scientific. So she wasn't worried about it or anything.

I had also taken the lovely glucose test which came back fine. Yay!

My doctor is worried about my thyroid, so she wanted to run some lab work to see if there is anything wrong with it. I absolutely think that I have hyperthyroidism, which is what she thinks. Right now, at 7 months pregnant, I weigh 107 pounds...

A little background...I have always been rediculously skinny. I know, I know...when I tell people that, they usually say "I wish I had that problem" or "You're so lucky..."

I've been called anorexic and bulemic, Ethiopian kid...and more. Its not for lack of eating, either. I LOVE food and don't really watch what I eat either. When pregnant though, being 107 just isn't that great though. The doctor wants me to start seeing a nutritionist who will help me eat fatter food. Not that I think thats very hard to do...so we'll see what they have to say. With Anistyn, the most I ever weighed was 116. My doctor at the time didn't seem concerned at all. I am actually very glad someone is taking an interest into my thyrod though, because I would like some answers about it!

Other than that, Britton is a squirmy little girl. She likes to sleep during the day, and play at night. So, between Josh working nights, and her acrobatic movements...I just don't sleep a lot at night. Oh well...I won't sleep much when she gets here either probably!

Here we are at 27 weeks!


  1. Mrs. D-Zo said...

    You're looking great! Hope all works out great with the doctor and the testing.

    April 20, 2011 at 6:09 AM  

  2. Carrie said...

    I am glad you are going to get your questions answered about your thyroid...that's important stuff to know!
    You look great!!!!!

    April 20, 2011 at 7:47 AM  

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