Britton's Birth Story

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I have been meaning to get on here and write out Britton's birth story for awhile now. The past few weeks have been very busy though...we've been getting settled in with our incredible new addition! Finally though, I have the time to get it all down. So here goes!

We were really hoping that Britton would make her entrance into the world on a weekend. The way that Josh's time off was going to work, he wouldn't get his paternity time off right away. So, if I had her on a weekend, Josh wouldn't miss anything. Since we were having a 4 day weekend for the 4th of July, we thought that would be perfect. We tried just about every trick within reason, trying to get things moving. Britton wasn't having it though. 

On July 6th (a Wednesday) I took a nap during the day. When I woke up, it felt like Britton had turned. Her back was originally on my left side...feet and hands on the right side. I could tell because her feet and hands were constantly kicking and punching on my right side, plus the doctor confirmed it. But when I woke up, her kicks and punches were being felt on my left side. I got really concerned that was breech again, plus if she had turned breech and was so cramped at this point, I was worried about where her cord was. I called L&D and explained what was going on and they told me to come in for observation. My grandmother was here, and stayed with Anistyn while Josh and I went up to the hospital.

Once there, we met with Dr. Thai. I don't remember her Army rank, but she's "way up there" and is the doctor who is in charge of every other doctor there who is also in the Army. So basically...she's the one who makes all the final decisions. She was amazing and I was so thankful that she was on duty that night.

She did an ultrasound and found that Britton was not breech! She had "twirled" though, which is why I was feeling the kicks on the other side. Such a little ballerina already. Her cord was fine and so was she! Dr. Thai then started looking over my records and due date. She went ahead and scheduled an induction date for Tuesday, July 12th. I then told her all about Josh's schedule and she decided to "help" as much as she could. So she stripped my membranes again, since Dr. Barrett had done it previously, but nothing had happened. It was painful, but we were hoping that meant good things! When we left, I was at 2cm, but not effaced.

I started bleeding right away, but thats very normal after a stripping. I went home, and started bouncing on the yoga ball, and walking around. The next day was Thursday and I started having contractions on and off throughout the day. I know the rule though...the 5-1-1 rule. Contractions need to be 5 minutes apart, 1 minute in length, for one hour...blah blah. Mine were sporadic. Josh got home at 4 that day, so I told him I wanted to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill to get things going. So, Josh did his workout while I walked. I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes walking pretty fast...and they started. The painful ones. I kept my walk up though, knowing that that was what I needed to do to get things going. The whole time I was singing that song "I am woman...hear me roar!" Ha. Once we were done at the gym, I told Josh we should go home and get our things together. If the contractions lasted for an hour, we would go in. So we went home, showered, and did our final packing. All the while I was working through painful contractions, so we headed in. 

The contractions were so intense. When we got to the hospital, they checked me and I was still at 2 cm. They started monitoring me to see if I would progress. My contractions were sooo painful. The doctor said since my hips are so small, the pain would be really intense for me...and he was right. After two hours of monitering, they checked me again...but I was still at 2cm. So they monitored me for another hour and gave me some morphine to help with the pain. Only it didn't. An hour later...there was still no progression and they wanted to send me home. I was devastated. I also didn't like the doctor who was on call then. He just acted like the pain didn't matter. He came in and told me since I wasn't in active labor there was no need for me to be there. sure felt pretty active to me! He then told me they don't like to induce at that hospital. Therefore...I asked if that were the case, then why did I have an induction scheduled? He didn't really know what to say to that except " do?" When I said yes, he just said "Well...I guess it just depends on the doctor." Then I told him that I wasn't really in the mood to sit there and have a if I was going to be sent home, then just send me home. While I do understand NOW what they were trying to do...its very hard to understand when you're in so much pain! 

So I went home and decided I would just try to wait it out. Josh went to bed and I took a bath which eased things temporarily. When I got out though, the pain was horrific. My grandmother was awake with me and we decided to go back up to the hospital together. I didn't want to wake Josh, because if they sent me home again, he was going to have to go into work. 

When we got there, they checked me and I was at 3cm! So they monitored me for another hour to see if I would progress more. An hour later I was at 4cm so they decided to admit me! My grandmother left then to stay with Anistyn and let Josh come up to the hospital. He got up there right as the anesthesiologist was giving me the epidural. Once I got that, I got settled in and was ready to wait until I was at 10cm. Josh and I fell asleep then and I was so thankful for some rest!

At 8am Dr. Parker came into the room. She was the doctor who had flipped Britton out of the breech position and I was so thankful to see a familiar face! Dr. Barrett couldn't get up to the hospital, so she was going to be the doctor who delivered Britton. She checked me and I was at 8 1/2 cm, fully dialated, and I had a bulging water bag. She said she was going to pop my water for me and she didn't think it would be too much longer after that. So, she did that and left the room while we waited. I felt a lot of pressure a little while later, and I knew then that it was time. I still remembered that feeling from Anistyn. I told the nurse it was time and she went and got Dr. Parker. 

I had Josh on my left side, a nurse on my right, and then the doctor in the front along with the baby nurse waiting on Britton. It was such a relaxing delivery. My contractions spaced out a lot during the delivery so I would push 3 or 4 times, then we would all just hang out chit chatting for about 5 minutes until the next ones came along. I said a lot of pretty funny stuff in the meantime. Josh was amazing through the whole thing. He helped me push and didn't "stand back near my head" like we thought he would. He was actually amazed by the entire event and watched EVERYTHING, ha. He got to watch her come out and once she did, he cut the cord. I'll never forget that moment. I got to see him fall in love with our daughter. One of the best moments of my life. 

The delivery was such a breeze and I didn't need any stitching. Britton weighed 6'6 and her daddy held her first. 

A little while later we moved into another room. Britton instantly did great at breastfeeding. My grandmother brought Anistyn up to the hospital so she could meet her little sister. Seeing the two of them together was amazing. We were both doing so great that they let us go home the very next day! 

Life with two girls is perfection. Anistyn is an amazing little helper and Britton is such a great baby. I am working hard to master breastfeeding. Josh is also incredible with Britton. He changes diapers and everything. He's so hands on with her. I love listening to him talk to her...he calls her "Monkey".  

All in all, Britton is the perfect addition to our family. I can't wait to watch her grow...but I also want to freeze this time with her!

Guess whose here!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Britton McKenzie was born on July 8th at 9:30am! She's been such a great baby so far and we are so in love with her. She weighed 6'6 and was 19 inches long. We were able to go home from the hospital the very next day and have been adjusting ever since! I'll be posting her birth story soon!

38 weeks!

Monday, July 4, 2011
Well, the last week has been very eventful...and then very uneventful!

I met with Dr. Parker last Tuesday to discuss flipping Britton. She informed me that they wouldn't induce that weekend, but that she could go ahead and try to flip Britton out of the breech position. So she made some calls and scheduled me to go to the hospital the very next morning to do the procedure. The other doctors had told me she would induce right afterwards...but she said she didn't need to. 

So Wednesday morning I went to the hospital. Once in the room, they gave me a shot to relax my muscles and then they put mineral oil on my stomach. Then, from the outside of my stomach, the doctor started to turn the baby from breech to head down. Talk about pain....OW! 

She literally had to lift Britton's bottom out of my pelvis, then twist her body around. Man, did it take my breath away. It was hard to breathe since she was on all of my organs at one point, ha. the end it was worth it because it really only took about a minute and they were able to get her into the head down position! At one point though, she had gotten Britton halfway turned and lost her Britton went right back to the breech position. Luckily, the second time worked like a charm! 

They monitered me for a bit to make sure everything was okay, and then the doctor checked me. I was at 1cm, ,but still not effaced. 

So Thursday afternoon, I went and met with my regular doctor, Dr. Barrett. I was really hoping for any help with getting Britton to come this weekend, since Josh would have been able to be there the whole entire time. I got my membranes stripped and when checked again, I was now at 2cm. I left that appointment hopeful that Britton would be here soon! I sit, on July 4th...still pregnant. This little girl is just snug. But...if she's not ready then I definitely don't want to force her. I had just hoped she would have been ready by now! 

She can come anytime now and I have contraction on and off...but it seems like the moment I get excited and start timing them...they go away. I'm telling you...this girl is just like her father!

Here I am at 38 weeks...anxious and ready to meet our little girl. Come on Britton!

Full term!

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks and considered full term...YES!!

We MIGHT have a plan for delivery...I just have to wait until Tuesday to find out for sure. There's a bit of a problem. 

Josh is supposed to get 10 days of paternity leave. Since he's in a training class for now though, he can't miss 10 days of class, which I completely understand. So, we were going to cut it up and have him take the 2 days in the hospital, then the remaining 8 once he was out of training. No biggie right? Wrong...

He was just told this past week that he can't cut up his ten days. He HAS to take them consecutively. But he still can't take them while he's in training. So, pretty much...his choices are to either 1. Take the two days in the hospital and just forget about the other 8 days altogether. OR 2. Take the 10 days once his training is over with. Its irritating only because I want him there for the birth of our child! 

I don't want him to miss his 10 days. Every soldier LOVES when they get any leave time and Josh deserves it. Plus, I know he wants to take those days off so he  can spend time with all of us, especially his new daughter. So, I had a doctor's appt last Thursday and decided to go in and ask if there was any way to induce on the 1st of July. I would be full term, and it would be a long weekend, so Josh wouldn't miss anything...and STILL be able to keep his 10 days!

Now...onto the doctor's appt. 

I went in and saw Dr. Jeffries first. I was hooked up to the NST machine again and monitered for about 30 minutes. I got to hear Britton's heartbeat the whole time...and even her hiccup. So cute! Then, he did an ultrasound to check her amniotic fluid level, which was great. I got checked, and have not dialated or effaced at all...this baby girl seems pretty snug! There's only one problem...she has not flipped head down and therefore...she's still breech.

Dr. Jeffries is now sending me to another doctor, Dr. Parker. I am going to meet with her on Tuesday to discuss flipping Britton into the head down position. From what he told me, they're going to want to flip Britton and then possibly induce. She'll want to do this because if she gets Britton flipped, they want to induce so that she doesn't have the chance to flip right back into the breech position. If the procedure doesn't work...they'll want to do a csection  more than likely, because at that point...they will have "messed" with Britton so much that she could be irritated and the things could happen, like the cord could be anywhere...and they want to get her out safely. I'll know more about the procedure and what will happen on Tuesday when I meet with Dr. Parker.

I then went and saw Dr. Barrett...the doctor who will be delivering Britton. I talked with her about the procedure and she said there's a good likelyhood they could do it on the 1st...which would mean Josh would get to be there no matter what. So, I'm now anxious for my appointment on Tuesday to see where we go from there! I do hope that Dr. Parker will be on board with doing it on the 1st though. Its so important that Josh is there!

Other than that, I am definitely feeling OVERLY pregnant. I don't think my stomach could get any bigger. I am getting really uncomfortable and Britton is still moving around a lot, which I don't mind of course...but there's not much room so it makes for a lot of stretching. I also fell down the stairs before my appt last Thursday. Thankfully, I fell on my bottom and Britton was just fine. Its just made me extra achy!

Doctors Appt...

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Last Thursday I went to my lovely, now weekly, doctor's appointment. I actually had two to get to. One was for the OBGYN who wanted to check on my thyroid. The second was with my original doctor who will be delivering Britton.

The OB's name is Dr. Jeffries and he will be monitering me weekly from here on out. Technically, they are saying I am "high risk"...although the only reason they are saying that is because of my thyroid. As far as the baby goes...everything is perfect. He was a really sweet doctor, who first did an ultrasound to check on the amniotic fluid, which looked great. Its good to know that Britton still has plenty of fluid in there. Although...she is worrying me since we discovered that the little stinker has decided to flip she is now back to the head UP position! The doctor didn't seem too concerned and said that she still has time to flip back down. If she hasn't flipped again by next Thursday, they will help her flip back.

They also hooked me up to an NST machine to see how if her heartrate changed any with her movements. It was perfect the whole time. The doctor came in to check on it at one point, and he looked at me and said "Are you feeling those?" I said "Um...feel what?" He replied "You're having don't feel them?" I thought it was crazy that I wasn't feeling them, but I think its just pre term labor. I see it as a good thing means she's getting started! Now if she'll just flip, and give me another week and 2 days...I'll be ready for her to get here!

I then went to see my regular doctor. I was so excited to see her since she had been gone for a month delivering babies at Fort Bragg. We basically just went over the basics, including what to do when its time for Ms. Britton to make her arrival.

From now on, I'll go see both doctors every week...and they will continue to check the amniotic fluid and do the NST test. 

I still feel pretty good. I really don't mind being pregnant right now. I remember at this point with Anistyn, just crying because I was soooo done. With Britton, I'm just anxious and so ready to meet her!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Well, here we are at 35 weeks! Two more weeks until I'm considered full term! Woohoo!

The last week or so I have had ZERO energy to get anything done. I've had my list of things to do around the house. Clean Britton's room out, which had a ton of baby stuff just strewn around the place. Clean the house spotless. Get the items needs for my hospital bag...etc. 

So yesterday, I got up...and got to cleaning! I don't know where this bought of energy has suddenly come from...but boy am I glad its here! I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. Washed all of Britton's clothes. Cleaned her room and put everything in its place. 

Today, I drove 45 minutes to a Target. It was the only Target around me with the right baby swing. I also got a nursing bra and little bottles of shampoo/conditioner...etc to pack and have with me in the hospital. It feels so good to be ready! There are only a few more things to get ready, so by the time I'm full term I'll be ready to go! 

I have my doctor's appt tomorrow, and I'm hoping I am progressing a little bit. I don't want to be in labor or anything just yet...I just hope we're in the beginning stages of getting ready for her!

Also...I had my ultrasound done last week. Previously, they had been concerned about her weight. They thought she was measuring small. But at 34 weeks baby Britton was weighing 5 pounds and 3 ounces...perfect! I wasn't worried anyways, since I'm so small..but it was great to know she's getting nice and plump! are two pictures of me! The first is at 34 weeks in my bikini...YES I was actually wearing it. I actually snapped the picture for my sister, haha. The second picture is me at 35 weeks!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I can't believe what a slacker I've been on my baby blog. I hope Britton will forgive me! I have a lot to update on!

I am now in week 32. I can't believe that in around 8 weeks I will be having her in my arms! It is so surreal. I am so excited about experiencing it with Josh, along with just meeting this squirmy little girl.

I met with the nutritionist a few weeks ago. He was a hilarious guy and I learned a lot from him. He asked what my daily eating habits were like, and then from there he suggested different things to add more calories to my "diet." I learned I needed to eat more fruit, one more serving of veggies a day...that sort of thing. But we constructed a "daily meal plan" that makes it so easy to achieve. I find that when I have something written out...its a lot easier to do. In the morning, I usually just have a bowl of cereal. Now, I've been adding 2 eggs and yogurt to it, and its been working! He wanted me to gain 2 pounds every week from now on. At my last appointment, which was just a week later, I had gained 3 pounds! So, lets hope all my eating pays off!

My doctor is currently at Fort Bragg delivering babies, so in the meantime I am being seen by another doctor. I went to see him two weeks ago and he reviewed my thyroid results. They were pretty weird. Apparently, if anything, it looks like I would have HYPO thyroidism, not HYPER. Which would make no sense. Hyperthyroidism basically means your thyroid works overtime, so its hard to gain weight. Hypo means that your thyroid doesn't work as much, so its hard to lose weight. So, I'm being sent to another doctor for more reviews of that. I'm also being sent to get a growth ultrasound done, since Britton is measuring small. I'm not worried about that though...she barely has room to grow since I'm so tiny.

All in all, I'm still feeling pretty good. My feet tend to swell if I'm on them too much, and acid reflux is my worst nightmare at the moment. However, when I sit down and feel those kicks and makes all the discomfort vanish for the moment. Josh was so cute the other night. He was whispering to my tummy "Kick mommy"...and then Britton would start squirming around. She seems to really respond to him! I'm thinking she might become a daddy's girl. Not that I could blame her...he's a good guy to have wrapped around your finger!

I will be sure to write more next week...and also update with a picture!

27 Weeks!

Monday, April 18, 2011
One more week left in the second trimester...then into the third trimester I go!

I had my doctir's appointment last Thursday. Britton's heartbeat was great, although she seems to be measuring small from the way the doctor was measuring my uterus. She did say that she thought I had a long torso and since she was only measuring with the tape, it wasn't scientific. So she wasn't worried about it or anything.

I had also taken the lovely glucose test which came back fine. Yay!

My doctor is worried about my thyroid, so she wanted to run some lab work to see if there is anything wrong with it. I absolutely think that I have hyperthyroidism, which is what she thinks. Right now, at 7 months pregnant, I weigh 107 pounds...

A little background...I have always been rediculously skinny. I know, I know...when I tell people that, they usually say "I wish I had that problem" or "You're so lucky..."

I've been called anorexic and bulemic, Ethiopian kid...and more. Its not for lack of eating, either. I LOVE food and don't really watch what I eat either. When pregnant though, being 107 just isn't that great though. The doctor wants me to start seeing a nutritionist who will help me eat fatter food. Not that I think thats very hard to we'll see what they have to say. With Anistyn, the most I ever weighed was 116. My doctor at the time didn't seem concerned at all. I am actually very glad someone is taking an interest into my thyrod though, because I would like some answers about it!

Other than that, Britton is a squirmy little girl. She likes to sleep during the day, and play at night. So, between Josh working nights, and her acrobatic movements...I just don't sleep a lot at night. Oh well...I won't sleep much when she gets here either probably!

Here we are at 27 weeks!

Week by week...

Monday, April 11, 2011
Another week down, and I am now 26 weeks. Woohoo!! Pretty soon I'll be in the 3rd trimester!

Today, Anistyn and I headed over to the hospital that I'll be having Britton at. We went to tour the labor and delivery unit so that I could get an idea of what to expect and where to go. Josh would have gone, but he needed to get ready for work. I really wanted to go for Anistyn anyways.

Anistyn is the type that doesn't like to be away from me or Josh. She doesn't spend the night away from us...and I don't mind it one bit. She's protective of her mama, and she's been a little nervous about us having to be gone for two nights while Britton is born. So, I thought it would help ease her mind a little bit if she got to see exactly where we would be. Plus, she'll be there as well once Britton is born, since I know my grandmother will bring her up to see her little sister!

There was a big group, and it was mainly army families. We found out where we go to check in, then we got to see where they deliver the babies! After that, they showed us the rooms we could stay in once Britton gets here.

It made it so surreal to SEE where everything will be happening. It was one of those moments where you say to yourself "Whoa...I'm having a baby!" Although yes...I have been aware of that for some time was neat to see where I will get my first glimpse of this precious little girl. I was very excited!

Here I am with my 26 week preggo belly! Its funny...I carried Anistyn so high! Britton is much lower than Anistyn was. I do need to will probably only see me in these tank tops from now on, ha! I needed some summer shirts to fit over my belly, so while at the mall I came across a place that was selling a bunch of them for a really good price! So I stocked up...and its about all I'm comfy in now!

25 weeks!

Monday, April 4, 2011
This past weekend my best friend Kelly and her little boy came into town for a visit. Kelly and I had a goal...complete the baby registry!

Kelly and I are just I loved having her with me to finish the registry. We've both been through the baby stage before, so we have a good idea of what you actually need and use. We're very quick to point at something and say "'ll never use THAT" or "There's something much less expensive that is just as good!"

I had done some of it online myself, but it was still a lot of fun to use the little gun and shoot away at the necessities for Britton. There' still a lot that a baby recquires, but as far as big items go, I picked things that are gender neutral so that we can use them again when we have more babies. NOT that thats in our timeline at the moment, but we do know that we're done.

Josh was great and stayed back with the kids so that we could get it done. It is a little overwhelming when you're standing in the baby section of Target, so I was really glad to have some moral support!

In other news...Britton is definitely growing! She's still practicing her acrobat moves constantly...but she for some reason, feels that nighttime is the best time to practice her skills. Therefore, my sleep schedule is still very off and I've gotten used to taken cat naps through the day and night. Maybe not the best schedule, but...she just won't listen to me.

Hitting 25 weeks means that she's weighing around a pound and a half according to She's starting to get some baby fat on her now and if she does have hair...then its starting to show now!

Helloooooo belly button!

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Well, since I haven't put any belly pics up recently, I figured it was due time. 

My belly button is slooowly making its way to an outie. Anistyn thinks its so funny. She still has yet to feel Britton move though. Britton is a tricky little girl though. I feel her all the time. The second someone else tries to feel her move though, she quits. Josh has felt her move of course, but his attention span is a little better than Anistyn's. She only wants to hold her hand to my tummy for so long before its time to move onto other things. 

Today, I am 24 weeks and 4 days. I know I've said it before, but this is going by so fast! Then at times, it seems like its slowing down. I'm eating up every second of this pregnancy that I can, while also being so anxious to meet this little girl. 

Here we are!

There's that belly button, just trying to make its way out! 

23 weeks!

Monday, March 21, 2011
I don't have a belly picture due to my camera, so hopefully I can get one up soon.

I do feel like this pregnancy is flying by, but I'm still getting so anxious for it to be over so I can meet this little girl making so much rucus in my tummy!

I am feeling great right now. Britton is so active and I just love feeling her move. I think she wants to be a gymnast one day...

I am starting to worry about when its time for Britton to come. I'm not worried about the delivery...yet. I'm more worried about Anistyn at the moment. My grandmother lives 45 minutes away and has already agreed to come to our house and keep her for us. But I keep playing it all out in my head. What if she doesn't get here in time? What if Britton comes quick and Anistyn sees too much? Anistyn hates seeing me in pain so what if she does see me scream over a contraction....

I'm sure it will all work out just fine, but I can't help but get just a little anxious over it.

In other baby news...lovely indigestion has made an unwelcomed nightly visit here lately. It never fails...but come evening/nightttime...its there. I have my trusty bottle of tums to help out, but sometimes it doesn't do the trick. Which is weird of course, because they worked so well with Anistyn. Then again...every pregnancy is different, right?

Anatomy update

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The first part of this week was full of appointments to check on Britton and her anatomy.

On Monday I went in for my 20 week ultrasound, even though I am 22 weeks. This would have been when we would have found that we're having a girl. I'm SO glad we found out earlier...I don't see how I could have gone all this time not knowing!

When I had called to make the appointment, they scheduled me in at 4:00pm. They told me to start drinking water at 3:00pm and to drink 32 ounces between then and 3:30pm. I was SCARED! Little miss Britton makes a BIG impact on my bladder, seeing as she lays SO low! I am a frequent bathroom guest so I didn't know how I would make it so long.

I managed somehow though and even though I, of course, had to use  the restroom before I even got to the ultrasound table I just did my best to ignore it.

I got captured by the images of Britton. Every little part of her was so mobile! I can feel her kick and jab me constantly...but its always neat to see it face to face. Eventually though, I really started to hurt! I had sharp pains going from my back to my stomach. I had to ask the tech if we could take a quick break. She asked me how much water I had drank and when I told her she said "Well..why would they tell you to drink so much! You only needed to drink 20oz! Run to the bathroom!" Geeeeeezzz....thanks!!!

Once I was better I hopped back on the table to finish, feeling MUCH better.

On Tuesday, I went to my actual doctor's appointment, where she confirmed that Britton looks perfectly healthy! This was such a big relief! Not that I thought anything was wrong...but its always great to get confirmation that your baby is growing healthy and strong! Oh, and seen in this picture;)

I can't wait to meet her, although she has much more baking to do!

Halfway Mark!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Woohoo!!! We've made it to the halfway mark!

I say "we" because I'm definitely not the only one going through this pregnancy. I told Josh we were halfway there, and we had to high five each other...hey, its a team here!

Here is my 20 week picture!

Its definitely starting to pop out now.

This is probably the best I've felt throughout this whole pregnancy. I have more energy, and don't need to sleep all day now!

One of my best friends Michelle came into town last week to help with our nursery. Josh had put his foot down and said he wanted the baby's room to be in the garnet and gold colors. While they are pretty colors...and my husband DOES have decorating skills...he wanted the room to be Florida State Seminoles colors. We compromised and I agreed to the colors, as long as they weren't decked out in FSU gear. Some women might fight to make the nursery look girly...but I love that he wants to be involved, so I'm happy to give in (only every now and then of course;)

Which is why I needed Michelle's help. I call Michelle...well, she's just my decorator of everything. She's done my hair, make-up, and dressed me up on numerous occasions. She can decorate anything. There is nothing that girl touches that doesn't turn out pretty. I wish I had that talent! But since I don't...I always call on Michelle, and she was happy to help. We all took a trip to Hobby Lobby where her and Josh went over colors and patterns. Me? I watched the kids, since I have NO clue what I'm doing with any of that. Then we came home and they worked on it for the next 3 days!
Here is the outcome:

Here are the curtains...

We replaced the original knobs with these. Little crowns with some garnet in them! Perfect for a princess!

And the bedding!

Many comments were  made by Michelle about Josh and his "sewing" skills. He is really good at it! She thought it was so sweet how he sat there for days doing most of the sewing. I have to thank his mother for that. Don't let it fool you though. He did decorate and sew, and then the next night was getting filthy while fixing my van that had a minor breakdown. I love having a husband who is good at so many things!

Britton has become very active, especially in the last few days. I can feel her move all the time now. Josh got to feel it, but I haven't gotten to catch her while Anistyn is around. Hopefully that will happen soon!

Another week gone by...

Monday, February 14, 2011
Which brings us to 18 weeks!

My belly is definitely starting to poke out a bit more now, which makes getting dressed more difficult. I HAVE to go shopping soon for a new pair of pants to poor sweats are being worn constantly!

Britton is moving around like crazy now, which I adore. There is nothing like sitting there feeling your baby kicking and swimming around. Josh was finally able to feel her kick, which took awhile. It seemed like as soon as he would put his hand on my tummy, she would quit! He said that she knew it was daddy and that calmed her down:) I can't wait until Anistyn gets to feel her move too!

Last week I went to the doctor and got to take Anistyn with me. I know I've said it before...but I LOVE my doctor! She was so sweet to Anistyn. As soon as she walked into the room she said " brought me an assistant for the day!" Anistyn, of course, felt super special. She even let Anistyn put the gel on my tummy and use the heart moniter to find Britton's heartbeat. Once Anistyn found it, she got so excited. I'll definitely have to take her again. Everything looks great with Britton too. I have to go for an ultrasound in around 2 weeks to make sure everything is on track...and it would have been when we found out she was a girl, but I'm glad we already know!

17 weeks!

Monday, February 7, 2011
I can't believe we're already almost halfway there!

This past week has been so much fun for us. Since finding out that we're having a girl, and picking out a name...its so nice to be able to call her by her name! It makes it so much more real. It makes her seem like a real person...which she obviously is!

On Saturday we took Anistyn up to the mall and straight to Build A Bear. We thought it might be fun if we could all build Britton a stuffed animal as a first present from Anistyn. Anistyn was so excited to be able to do something for her little sister. She took a lot of time before picking out a pink dog for Britton. After a few moments Josh pulled me to the side though and said "I don't think she wants that for Britton...I think she wants it for her...". So he asked Anistyn if she wanted to make one for herself as well. Of course Anistyn agreed...and then decided that she thought Britton should have a different animal...and she would keep the pink dog of course! It cracked us up. So, Britton got a brown and pink bunny instead.

I've been feeling a lot better, except for the tiredness that is always there. Although naps are great, sometimes I just have to fight them off when there are things to do. I DO have things to get done afterall! I have been feeling Britton a lot more. Not straight kicks or punches, but I feel her moving around. Anistyn and Josh still haven't been able to catch her in I'll be so excited when they can join in on that!

Here is my 17 week picture! I'm having a really hard time with maternity clothes. My belly is of course getting larger, and my jeans definitely don't fit. But its soooo very hard to find maternity pants for myself. My legs and such aren't bigger...just my belly and a little bit of my hips. I tried looking for some pants this weekend, but to no avail. I don't mind what I wear at home...I'm always in some comfy sleep pants and a t shirt anyways. Its when I do have to go places that I realize that none of my jeans fit anymore! Hopefully I'll have some luck in finding a good pair or so this week!

Her name is...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
                 Britton Mckenzie Freeman

Last night after we came home we instanty started looking up names. We really wanted to get used to calling her by a name...not just "she" or "baby".

It took a TON of debating between Josh and I. A lot of no's were said...and I was starting to think we would never agree on a name! Then he said "What about Britton?"

I instantly loved it. Such a unique, pretty name! Josh thought Mckenzie flowed with it...AND he put his foot down and said he really wanted that to be her name. I can cave every now and then, right?

I think its a beautiful I can't wait to put a face to the name!

In other baby news...I think I've been having some braxton hicks contractions. These sharp pains will shoot through my stomach and I read that its common in second or more pregnancies to have braxton hicks in your second trimester. I don't think they're round ligament pains...which I had in the first trimester. These feel stronger. I'm not worried about it, but its definitely something I'm going to ask my doctor at my visit next week!

Its a.....

Monday, January 31, 2011
Its a GIRL!!!!

My hunch was right!

Josh, Anistyn, and I were so excited to be able to find out!

I loved the place we went to. I layed on a super comfy little bed with a computer screen next to me that the tech and I watched. Meanwhile, there was a HUGE projection screen in the center of the room that had the ultrasound splashed on it. You know, the kind we used to use in school to watch slideshows and such? SUCH a great idea!

The little one was fast asleep when we first got a peek at her. I was actually a tiny bit worried at first when I didn't see her moving at all..but we heard her heartbeat and the tech just assured me that she was doing what babies do best...sleeping! We had to start bugging her a bit, and then she actually turned her back to us! It was so funny to see her putting on a little show. She did a headstand also, which I could completely feel. It took awhile, but the tech was so patient and actually laughing right along with us at her. It was great to have someone that really enjoyed their job...whats better than watching little miracles everyday??

She finally decided to show us the goods...and it was definitely a little girl in there! The ultrasound was only supposed to last about 10 minutes...but we were in there for around 30 minutes! She also let us take a look at her in 3D...which I wasn't expecting,but it was such a great surprise! It was just amazing getting to catch that much of a glimpse of what she does. We got to see her drinking amniotic fluid, which I didn't know they did. The tech answered all my questions too...she told me about the different changes the baby will make and really took a lot of time to teach us about the miracle going on in my belly. This place was amazing and I'm so glad I found it!

When we got home, we looked at her video and pictures again. They gave us a dvd and I thought it had the pictures on it...but its actually a video. So I had to take pictures OF the pictures with my camera. So, I apologize for the bit of flash that might be in the pictures...I did my best!

Here she is stretching out her little legs!

She looks a little cramped here! Mommy isn't providing much space...but i'm loving her headstand!

Thats a girl!

The 3D picture...isn't it amazing? Look at that tiny lttle body! The tech said she's the size of my hand right now. She'll definitely need some fattening up!

This was one of my favorites...waving to the camera! Look at that tiny hand!

Tonight, Josh and I listened to songs on youtube about daddies and daughters...I just can't wait to see their relationship begin. He's already so great with Anistyn. We were joking around about adding one more girl to the house and he said " takes real men to put up with a lot of women!" Very true.

Meanwhile, I am definitely feeling a ton of movement from the little one! It started about a week ago and I just love feeling her moving around in there! They aren't full on kicks or anything, but I can definitely feel when she moves her body around.

Now I'll be updating soon with a name!

Today's the day!

In 3 hours we are going to the imaging center to find out the gender of our little one. I am so very excited.

Throughout the whole pregnancy so far, I've been looking at all the old wives tales and such to try to determine if its a boy or girl. Here is just a few of them

I've had a ton of morning sickness...which would mean girl.
The heart rate was fast....which would mean a girl.
I've been having headaches...which mean boy.
I've gotten pregnancy acne...which means girl.
I've been craving salty food...which means boy
Age of conception + month of conception = even number...which means boy.
The chinese calendar says boy.
I've swung a necklace over tummy and it was boy...

Josh is stil holding out a tiny bit of hope for a boy...but I'm saying its a girl. At our ultrasound on Friday I think I saw girl parts. Lately I've been having dreams ABOUT us finding out...and it being a girl. Anistyn...well, she says that she wants both, which is clearly out of the question! I have a feeling she'll be happy either way though...and so will I!

I will of course, be posting tonight...but I can't wait to fnd out if it will be a little boy or girl joining our family. We love him/her so much already. I also can't wait to experience this with Anistyn and is great. Stay tuned!!!

First ultrasound!

Friday, January 28, 2011
Today was our first time having an ultrasound to get a peek at the little one!

I went in today, knowing that Monday is the day that I was really excited about. Today was just icing on the cake...who doesn't love an extra chance to see your child growing?

I was disappointed in the ultrasound tech that we dealt with. Apparently, you're not supposed to take kids with you into ultrasounds. I had no idea...but I was also really looking forward to Anistyn being able to see the baby. I was also excited about Josh getting a first glimpse at his child swimming around in there. I think every girl can relate, especially when it comes to these kind of thing...I wanted all of us to see the baby as a family. I couldn't wait to see how they both reacted to our new addition.

Of course, that was shattered a little bit when the tech informed me that neither one of them would be allowed in th room with me! I was so upset. I at least wanted Josh in the room! She said that someone should have told me there were no kids allowed. So...what did I do? What any pregnant, upset woman would do. I cried, duh!

I didn't mean to cry...but it was so important to me that Josh be able to see the baby. I am constantly aware that we are having a baby. I can feel little flutters. I can see the changes my body is making. I FEEL full of baby, lol! But its harder for a guy. So the ultrasound was important to me. I wanted Josh to feel a part of it...and couldn't wait for him to see our baby.

Even though I cried...she still didn't give in right away. But once she had done all the checking she had to do, she did let them come in...although then I wondered why she made such a big deal out of them not coming in the first...but oh well! She also didn't even try to glimpse at the baby's gender...but at least I know its only 3 days away!

The little one was such a swimmer! Its so neat to see he/she wiggling and moving around. I think that I saw girl parts...but I'm not a professional, so who knows! There's also one picture where I can tell the baby has Josh's nose. The tech did make us a cd with pictures on it, so as soon as we got home we looked at the pictures so we could all look at the little one again! Here are some of them!

I just love the profile pictures. This is the picture where I think he/she has Josh's nose!

At first  thought he/she was sucking their thumb...but nope! Josh says he was waving to daddy!

     I just love this picture. What in the world are more precious than baby's feet?

Looks like we'll have another post due on Monday...

15 weeks and a photo!

Monday, January 24, 2011
Time seems to be flying by with this pregnancy lately! We're almost to the halfway mark already!

My eating is getting much better...I still eat pretty bland during the day, which is working out fine really...since I have my little "system" down to an art now! In the mornings, I wouldn't dare touch any greasy breakfast foods. Mornings are the only time of the day now where I am a tad bit queasy. So if I ate really greasy wouldn't turn out well. So I normally just stick to a bowl of good old frosted flakes. For lunch I had two sausage biscuits (Josh went grocery shopping Sunday and for some reason loaded up on breakfast type food...which I am very much appreciating now!). Then for dinner I cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and carrots. Dinner is when I majorly pig out.

Then about midnight I wake up...and eat again if I hadn't had a snack before bed. was 2 toaster strudels. Hey, he bought good breakfast food! I'll have to thank him for that now tht I think of it...haha.

The only other major routine of mine sleep. I am SOOO tired of being SOOO tired ALL the time! I usually go to bed when Josh does...which is some time around 10. We all get up in the morning and I get Anistyn to school. But once about 10am rolls around...its nap time for me. And I can sometimes sleep until 1pm!

It really makes it hard to do anything during the day, or have a friend come over or anything...and I feel bad, but I can't help but be so tired. I just hate using "Um...thats actually my naptime..." as a reason not to be able to get out of the house! Hopefully it will get better soon and I'll be able to have some energy again!

I go to have an ultrasoud done on Friday here on base...but I'm REALLY excited about Monday, when we go to have the gender ultrasound done! I am so anxious to find out if its a boy or girl!

And...I'll end this post with a 15 week belly pic!

Finding out the gender...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
When I was pregnant with Anistyn, I found out she was a girl at 18 weeks. With this pregnancy, Tricare won't tell me what I'm having until weeks 20-22.

For a patient person, they would be able to wait the 6+ weeks, right?

Oh...but I'm not a patient person!

There is a place here is Augusta that specializes in the 3/D 4/D ultrasounds. I don't plan on getting any of those, but I had heard great reviews about the place. I looked at the website, and for a fair price, they will tell you what you're having starting at 15 weeks!

I talked to Josh about it, and we both decided that we're both ready to find out what we're having! So, I called to schedule the appointment and it is SET for the 31st!

I'll be 16 weeks at the time. I am SO excited that in less than 2 weeks we'll know if its a boy or girl!!!

14 weeks

Monday, January 17, 2011
14 weeks and I am officially OUT of the first trimester!!! Woohoo!!

I am really hoping that my body makes a huge change now that I'm in the second trimester. My major battle that I keep having is with my taste buds! That past few days my stomach is pretty bleh in the mornings and afternoons. Its not a queasy or nauseus feeling...its just bleh. Its like my stomach can't handle anything with a strong taste to it. So during the day I eat things like oatmeal, crackers...that kind of thing. Then, once dinnertime comes I can handle a big, yummy meal...although I can still get really picky about it...and really, it just drives me nuts. I really just want to be able to chow down on something without having to THINK about it first.

Josh usually goes grocery shopping with the list I give him, but since Anistyn was at a friend's house for couple hours, he wanted me to go with him. In words he said "I want you to go too...and just get whatever it is that that preggo belly will eat." He's such a sweetheart and has been such a trooper while I've been going through my first trimester.

I'm going to have to get a new memory card for my camera and as soon as I do I will post some belly pics!

11 Step Program

Saturday, January 15, 2011
11 Step Program for those thinking of having kids.

I found this online tonight while looking around and got a good laugh out it. Its a little long...but  think you'll all agree...especially if you HAVE kids!

Lesson 1

1. Go to the grocery store.
2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.
3. Go home.
4. Pick up the paper.
5. Read it for the last time.

Lesson 2

Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...
1. Methods of discipline.
2. Lack of patience.
3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.
4. Allowing their children to run wild.
5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.
Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.

Lesson 3

A really good way to discover how the nights might feel...
1. Get home from work and immediately begin walking around the living room from 5PM to 10PM carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds, with a radio turned to static (or some other obnoxious sound) playing loudly. (Eat cold food with one hand for dinner)
2. At 10PM, put the bag gently down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep.
3. Get up at 12 and walk around the living room again, with the bag, until 1AM.
4. Set the alarm for 3AM.
5. As you can't get back to sleep, get up at 2AM and make a drink and watch an infomercial.
6. Go to bed at 2:45AM.
7. Get up at 3AM when the alarm goes off.
8. Sing songs quietly in the dark until 4AM.
9. Get up. Make breakfast. Get ready for work and go to work (work hard and be productive)

Repeat steps 1-9 each night. Keep this up for 3-5 years. Look cheerful and together.

Lesson 4

Can you stand the mess children make? T o find out...
1. Smear peanut butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains.
2. Hide a piece of raw chicken behind the stereo and leave it there all summer.
3. Stick your fingers in the flower bed.
4. Then rub them on the clean walls.
5. Take your favorite book, photo album, etc. Wreck it.
6. Spill milk on your new pillows. Cover the stains with crayons. How does that look?

Lesson 5

Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems.
1. Buy an octopus and a small bag made out of loose mesh.
2. Attempt to put the octopus into the bag so that none of the arms hang out.

Time allowed for this - all morning.

Lesson 6

Forget the BMW and buy a mini-van. And don't think that you can leave it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like that.
1. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment.
Leave it there.
2. Get a dime. Stick it in the CD player.
3. Take a family size package of chocolate cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Sprinkle cheerios all over the floor, then smash them with your foot.
4. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

Lesson 7

Go to the local grocery store. Take with you the closest thing you can find to a pre-school child. (A full-grown goat is an excellent choice). If you intend to have more than one child, then definitely take more than one goat. Buy your week's groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys. Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.

Lesson 8

1. Hollow out a melon.
2. Make a small hole in the side.
3. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.
4. Now get a bowl of soggy Cheerios and attempt to spoon them into the swaying melon by pretending to be an airplane.
5. Continue until half the Cheerios are gone.
6. Tip half into your lap. The other half, just throw up in the air.

You are now ready to feed a nine- month-old baby.

Lesson 9

Learn the names of every character from Sesame Street , Barney, Disney, the Teletubbies, and Pokemon. Watch nothing else on TV but PBS, the Disney channel or Noggin for at least five years. (I know, you're thinking What's 'Noggin'?) Exactly the point.

Lesson 10

Make a recording of Fran Drescher saying 'mommy' repeatedly. (Important: no more than a four second delay between each 'mommy'; occasional crescendo to the level of a supersonic jet is required). Play this tape in your car everywhere you go for the next four years. You are now ready to take a long trip with a toddler.

Lesson 11

Start talking to an adult of your choice. Have someone else continually tug on your skirt hem, shirt- sleeve, or elbow while playing the 'mommy' tape made from Lesson 10 above. You are now ready to have a conversation with an adult while there is a child in the room.

This is all very tongue in cheek; anyone who is parent will say 'it's all worth it!' Share it with your friends, both those who do and don't have kids. I guarantee they'll get a chuckle out of it. Remember, a sense of humor is one of the most important things you'll need when you become a parent!

Josh only made one comment after I read all of this too him..."Well the baby better not put a dime in my cd player!" He WOULD only be worried about his car...haha!

Doctor's appointment

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Today I had my monthly doctor's appointment. I was a little worried with all the ice that it would get canceled, bu thankfully, it went on right as scheduled!

I still really like my doctor...she's so easy to talk to and really wants to know about everything you're going through. I was FINALLY able to hear the baby's heartbeat...which was music to my ears! I even recorded it on my phone so that Josh could hear it later.

I also finally have my ultrasound set up...for January 28th! Hopefully Josh can get out of work in time for him to go with me.

I can tell my nausea is getting much better...which might be because I am almost out of the first trimester! I'm 13 weeks and one day as of Monday I'll be in my second trimester! I'm still tired a lot, and take a few naps, but at least my bathroom trips are getting less frequent!

12 weeks...

Monday, January 3, 2011
I am 12 weeks today and so glad to say I'm feeling a lot better! I'm still being quite the picky eater, but at least I'm not heading to the bathroom 5 times a day.

The one thing that Josh and I laugh at is when I run down the stairs with no bra on. Oh man, the achy boobs! I can't let them jump around when I go down the stairs, so we both get a good laugh out of me having to hold the in place so they're not bobbing everywhere and causing pain!

I am getting really frustrated the hospital where I go for my appointments. Since we have tricare and go on base to see the doctor, they don't give ultrasounds in the clinic. Instead, the doctor has to send radiology a referral allowing me to schedule an ultrasound with them. No biggie, right?

I really like my doctor, and she sent in a referral for me to have my ultrasound done. This was done at the beginning of December. Its now January...and I have YET to get my ultrasound.

When I called radiology, they told me they had no referral sent in from the I had to track my doctor down to let her know. She had no problem helping, even though she had said she had sent in the referral. So she let me know later on that she had sent in the referral again...and to call radiology.

Only...I call them again, and yet again...they tell me they don't have a referral for me. I am so frustrated.

I'm 12 weeks now, and the only way I saw the baby was because of my ER visit. Thank goodness this isn't my first go around being pregnant, otherwise I might be really paranoid now!

So, I'm waiting on the doctor again to get hold of me so hopefully we can get this sorted out. I don't know if anyone is to blame...but I just want to see my baby!