Here we go!

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Josh and I went to my first appointment Tuesday. It wasn't to see a doctor, just to go and "discuss" the pregnancy and birth. I was really interested to see how everything was going to work with this being our first "military" baby! I was really happy with everything though!

All of my appointments will be at the base hospital and I can choose my doctor. But I won't give birth at that hospital....I'll give birth at a nice hospital off base which I'm excited about.

The nurse that we talked to just went over what to expect while pregnant. Even though this is my second, its been 6 years since I've been I desperately needed a refresher! Plus, it was great to have Josh there...even if he did scrunch up his face when talking about some not so pretty preggo stuff!

But, he's been great so far. I got sick one day, and held my hair. might be gross....but, he's so supportive and attentive. I couldn't ask for a better husband! Other than that, I haven't had many symptoms...well, other than the lovely pregnant gas you get, lol! I do get tired during the day, but I'm not always able to sleep!

Today, I am 5 weeks and 3 days!


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