Doctors Appt...

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Last Thursday I went to my lovely, now weekly, doctor's appointment. I actually had two to get to. One was for the OBGYN who wanted to check on my thyroid. The second was with my original doctor who will be delivering Britton.

The OB's name is Dr. Jeffries and he will be monitering me weekly from here on out. Technically, they are saying I am "high risk"...although the only reason they are saying that is because of my thyroid. As far as the baby goes...everything is perfect. He was a really sweet doctor, who first did an ultrasound to check on the amniotic fluid, which looked great. Its good to know that Britton still has plenty of fluid in there. Although...she is worrying me since we discovered that the little stinker has decided to flip she is now back to the head UP position! The doctor didn't seem too concerned and said that she still has time to flip back down. If she hasn't flipped again by next Thursday, they will help her flip back.

They also hooked me up to an NST machine to see how if her heartrate changed any with her movements. It was perfect the whole time. The doctor came in to check on it at one point, and he looked at me and said "Are you feeling those?" I said "Um...feel what?" He replied "You're having don't feel them?" I thought it was crazy that I wasn't feeling them, but I think its just pre term labor. I see it as a good thing means she's getting started! Now if she'll just flip, and give me another week and 2 days...I'll be ready for her to get here!

I then went to see my regular doctor. I was so excited to see her since she had been gone for a month delivering babies at Fort Bragg. We basically just went over the basics, including what to do when its time for Ms. Britton to make her arrival.

From now on, I'll go see both doctors every week...and they will continue to check the amniotic fluid and do the NST test. 

I still feel pretty good. I really don't mind being pregnant right now. I remember at this point with Anistyn, just crying because I was soooo done. With Britton, I'm just anxious and so ready to meet her!


  1. Carrie said...

    It's way easier to be patient the second or more time around right?! Glad things are moving right along for you! She'll be here before you know it!

    June 19, 2011 at 5:20 AM  

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