Full term!

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks and considered full term...YES!!

We MIGHT have a plan for delivery...I just have to wait until Tuesday to find out for sure. There's a bit of a problem. 

Josh is supposed to get 10 days of paternity leave. Since he's in a training class for now though, he can't miss 10 days of class, which I completely understand. So, we were going to cut it up and have him take the 2 days in the hospital, then the remaining 8 once he was out of training. No biggie right? Wrong...

He was just told this past week that he can't cut up his ten days. He HAS to take them consecutively. But he still can't take them while he's in training. So, pretty much...his choices are to either 1. Take the two days in the hospital and just forget about the other 8 days altogether. OR 2. Take the 10 days once his training is over with. Its irritating only because I want him there for the birth of our child! 

I don't want him to miss his 10 days. Every soldier LOVES when they get any leave time and Josh deserves it. Plus, I know he wants to take those days off so he  can spend time with all of us, especially his new daughter. So, I had a doctor's appt last Thursday and decided to go in and ask if there was any way to induce on the 1st of July. I would be full term, and it would be a long weekend, so Josh wouldn't miss anything...and STILL be able to keep his 10 days!

Now...onto the doctor's appt. 

I went in and saw Dr. Jeffries first. I was hooked up to the NST machine again and monitered for about 30 minutes. I got to hear Britton's heartbeat the whole time...and even her hiccup. So cute! Then, he did an ultrasound to check her amniotic fluid level, which was great. I got checked, and have not dialated or effaced at all...this baby girl seems pretty snug! There's only one problem...she has not flipped head down and therefore...she's still breech.

Dr. Jeffries is now sending me to another doctor, Dr. Parker. I am going to meet with her on Tuesday to discuss flipping Britton into the head down position. From what he told me, they're going to want to flip Britton and then possibly induce. She'll want to do this because if she gets Britton flipped, they want to induce so that she doesn't have the chance to flip right back into the breech position. If the procedure doesn't work...they'll want to do a csection  more than likely, because at that point...they will have "messed" with Britton so much that she could be irritated and the things could happen, like the cord could be anywhere...and they want to get her out safely. I'll know more about the procedure and what will happen on Tuesday when I meet with Dr. Parker.

I then went and saw Dr. Barrett...the doctor who will be delivering Britton. I talked with her about the procedure and she said there's a good likelyhood they could do it on the 1st...which would mean Josh would get to be there no matter what. So, I'm now anxious for my appointment on Tuesday to see where we go from there! I do hope that Dr. Parker will be on board with doing it on the 1st though. Its so important that Josh is there!

Other than that, I am definitely feeling OVERLY pregnant. I don't think my stomach could get any bigger. I am getting really uncomfortable and Britton is still moving around a lot, which I don't mind of course...but there's not much room so it makes for a lot of stretching. I also fell down the stairs before my appt last Thursday. Thankfully, I fell on my bottom and Britton was just fine. Its just made me extra achy!


  1. Carrie said...

    Hope everything works out for the best!

    June 26, 2011 at 9:23 AM  

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