Helloooooo pregnancy...

Thursday, December 2, 2010
I do believe a week or so ago, I was saying that I didn't feel any symptons...

Well, that sure did change this week!

Josh, Anistyn, and I all got back home last Sunday evening from Alabama. That night, Josh was complaining about not feeling very well. So I tried to stay away from him as much as possible so I didn't catch anything...but that didn't work. So we BOTH have been dealing with upper respiratory infections. But thats just the start of it.

Oh...the nausea. My stomach has become a lot like brain. Dictating to me when I can eat...and what I can eat. Its pretty much been ruling my life this week. Sometimes, the meals work. Other times...well...not so much. Since I've been sick anyways, I haven't had much of an appetite. But the nausea only makes it worse! Its a rarity when I feel like eating...and another rarity if when just looking at the food, it doesn't make me gag!

There have been other little pregnancy signs...sore breasts, and hormones. Oh the things that have made me cry this week! Commercials!

I have my next doctor appointment in less than a week and I will definitely be asking for some zofran. It would be great to be able to eat like a normal person again!


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