15 weeks and a photo!

Monday, January 24, 2011
Time seems to be flying by with this pregnancy lately! We're almost to the halfway mark already!

My eating is getting much better...I still eat pretty bland during the day, which is working out fine really...since I have my little "system" down to an art now! In the mornings, I wouldn't dare touch any greasy breakfast foods. Mornings are the only time of the day now where I am a tad bit queasy. So if I ate really greasy food...it wouldn't turn out well. So I normally just stick to a bowl of good old frosted flakes. For lunch I had two sausage biscuits (Josh went grocery shopping Sunday and for some reason loaded up on breakfast type food...which I am very much appreciating now!). Then for dinner I cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and carrots. Dinner is when I majorly pig out.

Then about midnight I wake up...and eat again if I hadn't had a snack before bed. Tonight...it was 2 toaster strudels. Hey, he bought good breakfast food! I'll have to thank him for that now tht I think of it...haha.

The only other major routine of mine lately...is sleep. I am SOOO tired of being SOOO tired ALL the time! I usually go to bed when Josh does...which is some time around 10. We all get up in the morning and I get Anistyn to school. But once about 10am rolls around...its nap time for me. And I can sometimes sleep until 1pm!

It really makes it hard to do anything during the day, or have a friend come over or anything...and I feel bad, but I can't help but be so tired. I just hate using "Um...thats actually my naptime..." as a reason not to be able to get out of the house! Hopefully it will get better soon and I'll be able to have some energy again!

I go to have an ultrasoud done on Friday here on base...but I'm REALLY excited about Monday, when we go to have the gender ultrasound done! I am so anxious to find out if its a boy or girl!

And...I'll end this post with a 15 week belly pic!


  1. Carrie said...

    Cutie pic! I understand about nap time too! ha ha. I am just recently getting out of that slump.

    January 25, 2011 at 8:46 AM  

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