First ultrasound!

Friday, January 28, 2011
Today was our first time having an ultrasound to get a peek at the little one!

I went in today, knowing that Monday is the day that I was really excited about. Today was just icing on the cake...who doesn't love an extra chance to see your child growing?

I was disappointed in the ultrasound tech that we dealt with. Apparently, you're not supposed to take kids with you into ultrasounds. I had no idea...but I was also really looking forward to Anistyn being able to see the baby. I was also excited about Josh getting a first glimpse at his child swimming around in there. I think every girl can relate, especially when it comes to these kind of thing...I wanted all of us to see the baby as a family. I couldn't wait to see how they both reacted to our new addition.

Of course, that was shattered a little bit when the tech informed me that neither one of them would be allowed in th room with me! I was so upset. I at least wanted Josh in the room! She said that someone should have told me there were no kids allowed. So...what did I do? What any pregnant, upset woman would do. I cried, duh!

I didn't mean to cry...but it was so important to me that Josh be able to see the baby. I am constantly aware that we are having a baby. I can feel little flutters. I can see the changes my body is making. I FEEL full of baby, lol! But its harder for a guy. So the ultrasound was important to me. I wanted Josh to feel a part of it...and couldn't wait for him to see our baby.

Even though I cried...she still didn't give in right away. But once she had done all the checking she had to do, she did let them come in...although then I wondered why she made such a big deal out of them not coming in the first...but oh well! She also didn't even try to glimpse at the baby's gender...but at least I know its only 3 days away!

The little one was such a swimmer! Its so neat to see he/she wiggling and moving around. I think that I saw girl parts...but I'm not a professional, so who knows! There's also one picture where I can tell the baby has Josh's nose. The tech did make us a cd with pictures on it, so as soon as we got home we looked at the pictures so we could all look at the little one again! Here are some of them!

I just love the profile pictures. This is the picture where I think he/she has Josh's nose!

At first  thought he/she was sucking their thumb...but nope! Josh says he was waving to daddy!

     I just love this picture. What in the world are more precious than baby's feet?

Looks like we'll have another post due on Monday...


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